A Week Of Ordinary Magic
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Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash |
Today is for Mother Moon. We’ve Jasmine, Lemonbalm, Mugwort,
Willow, Evening Primrose, Dittany, Iris, Mallow, Sandalwood and Poppy seeds.
She’s all the things that bloom and scent in the night. She’s woman, fertile, clairvoyant,
diviner, witch. She’s Mother, Maiden and Crone. She’s Luna, Artemis, Selene,
Diane, Hecate. She is dreams, huntress, harvest, agricultural cycle, menstrual
cycle, tides, hounds, white light, light blue, 9, Cancer and Yesod.
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Photo by Luca Huter on Unsplash |
He’s red Mars, Aries. He’s strength, passion, war, victory,
battle. He’s assertiveness, confidence, raw courage, protection and boundaries.
But he’s also beautiful organic agriculture and gardening. He’s a warrior yes
but a gardener too. I love that don’t you? Herbally, plant-wise, he’s Tobacco
leaf, Wormwood, Nettle, Hawthorn, Dragonsblood, Galangal Root, Ginger, Hops, Cumin
and Damiana. He is Ram, Woodpecker, Wolf and Dragon. He is execution, action
and might. He guards us and yet
sometimes can herald plagues. Approach the scorpion with respect for he is
bloodstone, iron, garnet, jasper, tourmaline and fire. He is Geburah. If you
can bear his prickly gorse and thistle he will be your knight in arms.
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Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash |
Slippery, marvellously mercurial, liminal and liquid.
Changeable Hermes comes. Shapeshifter Loki, changing form over time, often with
speed. He is Communications, swiftness of foot, internet, social media, chat
apps and bots (for he is the Messenger). He is God of PR, Hospitality, Travel,
Hotels and Internet. He is also merchant, banker but thief and gambler too. He
is the Casino, House and Player. He is also the Writer-Magician. He is his own
prestige. A go-between of worlds, above and below. He is Janus the two-faced
God looking forward and back like a Gemini twin. He is Papa Legba, he is the
Orisha Elegba. He is throat chakra, he is non-binary. He pushes out ideas like press
releases of code and cryptocurrency. He is blockchain and AI too. He is agate
and he is 8. He is orange and Silicon Valley. He is mica in iPhones he is our
lungs and our brains. Herbally, he is Fennel, Parsley, Lemon Verbana, Lavender,
Mint, Cloves, Mace, Cinquefoil (Five Fingered Grass) and Frankincense. He’s
Mercury. He is medicine and medical Cadaceus. He is Air, Magic, Speed. He is Reynard
the fox, Brer Rabbit, High John the Conqueror, Bugs Bunny. He is Trickster. He
is cunning man and cunning woman. He is serpent and Joker. He is Thoth and
Trismegistus. He is Promethean man. He is Chaos. And he is my favourite. But
one to dance with cautiously.
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Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash |
Jupiter and Thor. Thunder and Lightning. King. Lawmaker,
elite, God of Gods, a God’s god, the Boss. He is dark blue and purple. He is
Authority and a benefactor. He is Patronage. He is wise statesman, Jove and Zeus.
He is elder, the grey rider on a horse. He is the Wheel of Fortune, royal and
eagle. He is Chesed. He is religion and parliament. He is ownership and wealth
and rule. Herbally, he’s Borage, Violet, Oak, Basil, Star Anise, Honeysuckle, Dock,
Betony and Horse Chestnut. He is 4. My magic began with Jupiter…
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Photo by Felix Mittermeier on Unsplash |
Venus-Aphrodite, she is Isis and Istar and Innana. She is
swallow and dove. She is Mary. She is musk and ambergris and red roses. She is
pink quartz. She is Beauty and Truth. She is Love. She is sweet and figgy and plummy.
She is pomegranates, apples, apricots and fruity dates. She is delectable and unctuous.
She is fragrant, perfume. For plants – she is Hibiscus, Willow, Lilac, Heather,
Geranium, Iris, Magnolia and Balm of Gilead. She is also Cardamom, Elderflower,
Feverfew, Mint, Raspeberry Leaf, Rosehip, Thyme, Vervain and Valerian. She is
the Empress tarot. She is Queen Juno and Hera. She can be a pink candle but
should be a green one. She is goddess, growth and fertility. She is grass and
trees. She is Virgo. She is sparrow and pigeon. She is family.
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Photo by Sarah Izidorio on Unsplash |
His is a day of setting boundaries and one of time. A black
candle, or silver. He is protection and guardianship. He grounds, earths and centres.
His planet Saturn takes 30 long years to cycle around the sun. He is the old
man with his crutch. He can be oppressively stifling, his sigil black. He is
the Father of Time and of Nature. He oversees the decay as it rots into soil
alongside stagnant water. But from this compost can grow new life, eventually.
Death must first precede it. His is a deep woody green scent of forest and over-ripeness.
He can be tomb-like, grave-like. His scythe and sickle watch over fin de
siecles and end of centuries, end of empires too. He is collapse. He is end. He
can usher in madness and the crisis. He can be catalyst for mental health attacks.
But above all and beyond all that he is also a god of planting and crops. His Sepiroth
holds us to our roots, underground. Like a root vegetable growing in the dark
underground. His underworld is full of life and can nourish us, all it takes is
time. His sign is Aquarius so I feel at home here. He can be slow and creeping
and contemplative. He is bear, crow, toad, owl, bat, mole, cat. He is Night. He
is 3. He is grief and grieving for time past before time anew can be born.
Herbally, he is Comfrey, Oak Moss, Patchouli, Vertivert. His stone is Iodestone
and black tourmaline. He is Plato’s Cave and our innermost depth psychology. He
is dark plants too such as Belladonna, Hemlockm Ivy, Opium and Wolfsbane. But
he’s also Yew, Heather and Beech. His is age. He is eternal. His is
corona-times, a COVID-age – before a new Spring.
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Photo by Aronn Visuals on Unsplash |
A sunny bright happy yellow. Full of glow, success, health
and radiating protection. The Sun and son is Crown and Sceptre. A King like
Jupiter, but King of Malkuth, King of the Earth below. His power is Fire his
number 6. He is full of golds and rays of light. He is harmony. He is Lion. He
is Ra and Osiris. He is Dionysus good cheer and merriment. She is Sekhmet too and
she is full of health and aliveness. We need the sun’s light and heat. We need
her floral love. She is Frankincense, Sandalwood, Saffron, Bay, Benzoin, Amber,
Angelica, Orange Peel and Citrus fruits, Cinnamon, Juniper, Calendula, Olive
leaf, Rosemary and St. John’s Wort. She is warm calming Chamomile too. She is
hawk and rising phoenix. He is the flame and the light. This is happiness.
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Photo by Marko Blazevic on Unsplash |
My learnings here for calendar days and candles and herb
corrspondences were from Rebecca Beattie and her wonderful Treadwells lecture. I have loved my journey of Magic Folkhealing.
I've thrived via my
upskilling on things Herbs, Oils, Recipes for Health & Healing via
gardening magic. I continue my path along old traditions of natural remedies
and formulas to make life better. This study has made my own spiritual,
emotional and mental health states well and good during this tough time.
Nature’s pharmacy has so much to offer the initiate, it’s a prescription
and spell for immunity. The roots and rites are workable and practical to learn
and apply. The botanical notes enthralling. Understanding magical folkhealing
with herbs has introduced me also to their associated planets, elements,
different belief systems (Hoodoo Rootwork, Wicca, Native American, Jewish magic
etc), various deities, zodiac signs, basic powers, medicinal uses and an array
of other curiosities. I feel part of a new community. One of conjure doctors,
self care specialists drawing spiritual baths and folk healer magicians working
roots, resins, leaves, herbs, minerals and plants – alongside planets and Gods.
Your posts are refreshingly clear :-)
ReplyDeleteInvitation to join our advanced resilience ''Perseus Hyper-ritual'' (Zeus, Hermes, Athena) - *Thursday Mars Hours* - Altar to Athena (gold, birds, olive, lemons, other Greek offerings - we have a crystal vase for the knocks which sings wonderfully) with (homemade) Gorgonieon on ''shield'' plate with immunity potions/herbs/etc on top of it - Gorgon/Medusa represents ''Lilith'' and all ''COVID'' related woes) - Hermes boost personal ''medical'' response, Athena boost personal ''logistic'' response, Perseus boost personal *heroic* response
1st Toast to ''general General'' (Athena)
x2 knocks
x2 Orphic Hymn to Zeus
x2 knocks
x2 Orphic Hymn to Hermes
x2 knocks
x2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GICXJ4M5MTI
x2 knocks
x2 Orphic Hymn to Athena
2nd Toast to ''general General'' (Athena)
Prepare immune potion from elements from the altar (lemons, vit D., echinacea, colloidal silver, elderflower, etc) and drink
Greek feast in honour of general General
*Grappa seems to be the preferred toast
**Strong current of cycles with opening ritual initiating ''training'' on the following Tues - Thurs and second ritual in cycle closing - starting ''a week off''
Thankyou so much! Medusa as Lilith is fascinating and I had not considered elderflower. nor lemons. Appreciated. Hermes is a go-to for me but I had not thought about Athena.