The Resilient Root

Highdown Herbal is about Herb and Root Medicine. My blogging about Magic Herbology and Herbal Medicine focuses specifically on the use of roots, herbs, and minerals in the practice of a magical approach to wellness. There are snippets on botany and mineral curios too (used in many cultural forms of plant magic and folklore.)

Herbs can help us sharpen our mind and senses and are good for protection crafting. Drinking an infusion of herbs clears and strengthen us, with many healing properties bound to earthly tradition. Burned as an incense, many roots and plants are believed to honour gods of many divine paths and increase defense from evil forces whether malady, disease or more ethereal. Plants have been used in many folk systems (medical and magical) for thousands of years. Working herbs and roots is a spiritual yet very practical down-to-earth and hands-on tradition.

Planting a vegetable garden is an enchanted way to live and cosmically thrive on earthly soil. The wild can come through you, by something as gently domestic as drinking a cup of tea. I am not giving any medical advice, but rather the ideas described in this blog are traditional folkloric remedies for any budding home-herbalist to try out in practice.

You don’t have to live in a rural place or tiny village to practice self-reliant do-it-yourself traditional rootwork and treatments with herbs, roots, seeds, and flowers. Anyone can make an herbal remedy, purchase healing incense from an online botanica, mix an essential oil blend or draw a spiritual bath.

There are hundred of rites and rituals used by classic herbal teachers, using herbs, roots, candles, incense, baths and botanical curios. Herb magic, herbal medicine and magical folk can be worked by anyone with a passion for oils and aromatherapy or one who loves herbal teas and tinctures or by a budding enthusiast of home-massage oils. 

We all have the power to heal and work an herb’s innate power. You don’t have to be a plant expert or horticulturalist, you don’t even need a garden. You don’t need a PHD in traditional folk magic or an encyclopedic knowledge of zoology or homeopathy. Herbal healing feels enhanced if you 1) practice yourself and 2) study its history and others’ practice.

Nature's pharmacy can be seen in every city’s Botanical Garden or likely your grandmother’s kitchen.

It’s all around you, you just have to learn to see it and learn to see differently. Open your eyes.


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