7 Ways to Cope in Corona Times

Photo by SOULSANA on Unsplash
Who else is for optimism at this challenging time? Who else wants to change the story, and to move from a narrative of fear to flow? Together, we can take back the story – can be resilient and positive.

We can be buoys of hope afloat in deep waters. We can be lifeboats for restoration of agency. We can facilitate a resurgence of practical ground-up solutions, we can craft order from chaos and reclaim islands of healing. We can occupy possible, explore new fertile edges and we can nurture our own bounce-backability.

What inspires me are 7 strategies to navigate times of virus. Try these Wellness & Resilience choose-your-own-adventures 1) Deep Adaptation 2) Active Hope 3) Permaculture 4) Resilience Coaching 5) Herbalism 6) Yoga and 7) Probability Enhancement

1) Deep Adaptation
Prof Jem Bendell is the author of "Deep Adaptation: a map for navigating the climate tragedy". His talks connect to the theme of adapting to the new world normals.

2) Active Hope
Active Hope is about finding, and offering our best response to crisis unfolding in our world. It offers tools that help us face the mess we’re in, as well as find and play our role in the collective transition.

3) Permaculture 
Co-founder of the permaculture movement, David Holmgren, encourages us to focus energies on retrofitting suburbia for an energy decent future. 

4) Resilience Coaching

Everybody finds themselves in front of difficult life events and choices to be made. Chris Johnstone explains resilience and shows ways of implementing resilience practice into our everyday lives.

5) Herbalism
Renowned herbalist Rosemary Gladstar has effective herbal preparations for combating depression, anxiety and stress. From valerian and hops to lemon balm and St. John’s wort, there's many remedies.

6) Hot Yoga
Hot Yoga with Harry is my go to for lockdown zoomed classes in hot 26 from the Bikram sequence.

7) Probability Enhancement
Think of Gordon as a magical thinking Nicholas Nassim Taleb. Shift and nudge optionalities.

So there are my 7. #5 Herbalism is covered in great detail the earlier posts at this blog but I’ll be looking at #4 Resilience Training more in-depth from June. There’s a new world upon us, you’ll need an analogue response to root and adapt resiliently.


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