Serenity Practice

Photo by Léonard Cotte on Unsplash
Whether our healing comes from hand-crafting medicinal traditional plant remedies or modern therapy of coaching, counselling and psychoanalysis – we can find each our own path through the dark woods. We can re-connect to health and wholeness, to our humanity and heritage. We can rewild personal and collective futures on beautiful Earth – infact we’ve a radical self-responsibility to do this as we are energetic beings. Just like plants have an energy (yes there is a shamanic element to this blog) so do we have subtle bodies, yoga bodies. We can access these hidden gardens within via all manner of tools: astrology, gardening, yoga, therapy, cooking, prayer, religion, myth, psychology, poetry, art, parenting, counselling, dancing, writing, music, magic etc. whatever works!

We need to find a praxis in this apocalypse. Whether it’s repeating the serenity prayer as mantra, psalm 23 for peace or just digging in defensively to avoid the coming storm and bad weather patterns of power. There is the right response for you. A spiritual weapon. Think about miracles, flourish with your tribe. Don’t fight the bad, rather amplify the good so the bad has no resonance anymore. Try to shift conditions, recognise the stages of grief in self and others, have compassion, find a can-do response to help others, heal, counsel, medicine and ground yourself in strong. Be pandemic-proof. 

Un-smart yourself. For safety, mask-up when needed but keep your soul unmasked. See the positives – try zoom-coaching someone who needs it, mixing an oil blend can be therapy in a dropper bottle, try growing food, live beyond the petro-dollar and peak-everything collapse - and feel earthed.

Love all the bumpy seams and edges, love the crunchy not the smooth, embrace friction over friction-less. Be frack-free or frack-off. Love in-convenience over operational efficiency. De-personalise from personalised and decentralise the centralised. Connection, not distance. Design a support system for your wellbeing, inside yourself. Be a living system. Be interbeing. Adapt to climate, find silent retreat, renew locally, no extraction means no distraction. Conserve and sequester naturally, be symbiotic in relationships. Remain sentient, appreciate the ancient. Thrive, self-sufficiently. 

Slow down, see the magic all around you.


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