The Plague Libraries

Photo by Syd Wachs on Unsplash
During this pandemic, I am teaching myself Herbalism and blogging. I'm building up quite a good collection of herbal books - paperback, ebooks and audio. I love Scott Cunningham and Catherine Yronwoode and current favourites Mama Starr and Hoodoo Sen Moise along with some gardening heroes. There are both medicinal and magical uses of plants and herbs. Here is my Circuit Breaker reference list for adventures in Herbs. Some are Hoodoo Herbal, others mainstream Botanicals, Culinary and Gardening. My response to coronavirus lockdowns is Resilience & Rootworking. Here is my library for Reading In A Time of Covid:

  1. Mixing Essential Oils for Magic: Aromatic Alchemy by Sandra Kynes 
  2. Llewellyn's Complete Formulary of Magical Oils by Celeste Rayne Heldstab 
  3. Essential Oils Magic: Beginner's Guide to  Magical Oils by Lisa Chamberlain
  4. Herbal Magic: Beginner’s Guide to Herbal Magic by Lisa Chamberlain
  5. Vickery's Folk Flora: A-Z of the Folklore and Uses of British Plants by Roy Vickery
  6. Herb Magic for Beginners: Down-to-Earth Enchantments by Ellen Dugan 
  7. Natural Magic by Doreen Valiente
  8. The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews by Scott Cunningham
  9. Magical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise by Scott Cunningham
  10. 365 Days of Hoodoo: Daily Rootwork by Stephanie Rose Bird 
  11. Pagan Portals - Hoodoo: Folk Magic by Rachel Patterson
  12. The Conjure Workbook Volume 1: Working the Root by Starr Casas
  13. Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham 
  14. The Witching Herbs: 13 Essential Plants for Your Magical Garden by Harold Roth 

  1. Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic: Essential Oils by Amy Blackthorn
  2. Good Juju: Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul by Najah Lightfoot
  3. The Witch's Book of Self-Care by Arin Murphy-Hiscock

  1. Old Style Conjure: Hoodoo, Rootwork, & Folk Magic by Mama Starr Casas
  2. Working Conjure: A Guide to Hoodoo Folk Magic by Hoodoo Sen Moise
  3. The Kitchen Herb Garden: Growing and Preparing Essential Herbs by Rosalind Creasy
  4. The Hearth Witch's Kitchen Herbal: Culinary Herbs for Magic, Health by Anna Franklin
  5. Down to Earth: Gardening Wisdom by Monty Don
  6. Magical Folk healing: Herbs, Oils, and Recipes by D. J. Conway
  7. Culpeper's Complete Herbal: 400 Herbs and Their Uses by Nicholas Culpeper
  8. Llewellyn's Complete Book of Essential Oils: Remedies by Sandra Kynes
  9. A Modern Herbal by Grieve


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