Endings and Beginnings
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Will we entangle ourselves from our anthropocene and self isolate against new enemies? Will we build a new Utopia from the decay of our minds and soul? The future and the past meets as one in a spiral of time and space. The cycle goes round and round in the grains of sand. Malkuth has fallen, but we can reclimb the Tree as the future can cause the past. Timothy Leary said" What disorientates us is good". Perhaps he was right. Can we reframe the situation more positively? Can we see the good? What’s the upside here? What can we draw from the experience as learning that serves us?
Let us grasp the good vibration yet to come, with clear purpose to help all mankind through and out of grief and birthpangs. To come together, not fracture. To be prepared and ready (player one). In this blackening of the earth this crazy Spring and bonkers Summer 2020, we are truly in the Dark Night of the Soul, facing our shadow self. But in the coming days we can do something and reclaim our personal power. Don't let the melancholia of the individuation process consume you or drag you under the deep water. Don't take the wrong path down the tree of life. But take YOUR path, choose it consciously - for there is always a choice point, and that’s where we regain our personal power.
Instead: boost your mood, do breathwork to lighten your mind body and soul, practice yoga to feel alive, clear auras and spaces, meditate, ingest amazing plants and herbs in teas and juices, massage in aromatic oils of nature and light candles of intentional flames of peace. Magic, ordinary magic of Resilience, Self-Reliance, Healing, Self-Help etc is just the everyday stuff. It is the ORDINARY in you that brings out the extraordinary - it is your regular normal capabilities from within that shines. Do not accept unaceptable options and outcomes. Do something, in the next 7 days commit to act.
"Right at the beginning you meet the dragon, as the alchemists call it, the nigredo, and this encounter causes suffering" - Jung. Overcome it by going through and then beyond, unbound and unchained. Flourish courageously and with purpose.
“There is no such thing as pure magic; there is only your
magic.” – Briana Saussy
So, what now and what next? Read a psychology book. Learn some history. Do some gardening. Cook. Go blend an oil?
Try ‘Into the Fire oil’. Mix: Nutmeg, Cinnamon,
Pepper, Pine and Cypress.
Or take classic Abramelin recipe by Crowley: Myrrh x 4, Cinnamon x 8, Galangal x 2 and Olive Oil x 7. Olive oil is for wisdom from Minerva, the Goddess of Logos. Myrrh resin (tears) for Binah, the Great Mother who is the understanding and the sorrow & compassion of magic. Cinnamon for the Sun, Tiphereth (son) who is both the glory and the suffering of the human condition. Galangal root is both Kether and Malkuth, the First and the Last, the One and the Many, combined in oil they represent that we are all One. We are all together representative of the whole Tree, the ten Sephiroth blended in perfect alchemical essential oil gold.
Or take classic Abramelin recipe by Crowley: Myrrh x 4, Cinnamon x 8, Galangal x 2 and Olive Oil x 7. Olive oil is for wisdom from Minerva, the Goddess of Logos. Myrrh resin (tears) for Binah, the Great Mother who is the understanding and the sorrow & compassion of magic. Cinnamon for the Sun, Tiphereth (son) who is both the glory and the suffering of the human condition. Galangal root is both Kether and Malkuth, the First and the Last, the One and the Many, combined in oil they represent that we are all One. We are all together representative of the whole Tree, the ten Sephiroth blended in perfect alchemical essential oil gold.
This Abramelin oil recipe symbolises the aspiration of the
Great Work. The oil consecrates and is holy. It is grace not ambition. It is
the Light and the Will and integrates the lower to the higher self. It is
microcosm to macrocosm unity: the aim is unity of the practitioner with the
higher self and the divine. These herbs are often used in many different ways
across African-American Hoodoo Folk Magic as well as Jewish, Greek and European
magical botanic symbolism. Plants then - as we have explored in the last 45 posts of this blog during lockdown - have meaning. The oils and herbals
discussed on these pages I have been writing can help us light the internal fire. They
are powerful aromatics and inspiring fragrances that can elevate one’s
experience. For we can all be an apothecary. We all have within us Resilience for
Healing, this is our Ordinary Everyday ‘Resilience Magic’.
I’ll close here for Sunday morning with a little prayer, to St. Expedite, for
when you are in urgent need…and the world is certainly in need.
A Prayer to Saint Expedite
Our dear martyr and protector, Saint Expedite, you who know
what is necessary and what is urgently needed. I beg you to intercede before
the Holy Trinity, that by your grace my request will be granted.
_____________________ (Clearly express what you want and ask
him to find a way to get it to you.) May I receive your blessings and favours. In the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
*If Saint
Expedite grants your request, place fresh flowers, a slab of pound cake, light
a red candle, and place a palm leave beside a picture of him in your home. Also
spread the word so that his name and fame will grow!
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