Setting the Stage

You are a star. You have an innate inner nature, like a force inside of you, a code programmed, a pattern woven, an acorn growing into a mighty oak, a genius vibrating, psyche dancing, daimon pulsating, entelechy resonating, a will broadcasting, spirit soaring, a fate unfolding, a character emerging, a hero answering the call to adventure, a seed in the dark, a telos buried deep in destiny and a soul springing forth.

You have within you all this – in the below, in the down down down below, in the depths of the phenomenon and magic that is you. You are mythic. There is a potency about you and a vitality to be lived through story. You have a poetic truth and beauty about yourself. You are like a spell charming and signal transmitting; you are an alchemical psychological great work in process of transformation. You are alive with electric aliveness. You sculpt and contour your own soul like Michelangelo to David. You are sublime, magical, powerful. You are portal to your own pure potentiality and possibility for your life.

You are not ordinary although in some ways yours is an ordinary everyday magic, in that we are all cut of this cloth. Yet you are simultaneously extraordinary, legendary, a sacred mystery to be marveled at. You damn near shine with light. You illuminate the whole world with your being. Seize your power as your own resilient magic, you are a weapon and a piece of art. You have meaning and purpose in your story and star. You are plot, cast and stage. You are rising. You are revivified. Show the world who you are.

You are a unique individual who deserves to live their life mythically like a great god and ordinary mortal. Approach your life with Romance and fictional flair, be in a Renaissance of magic with your soul. You are a being-at-work and you are splendid. Return this magic knowledge to your life. Know that you are sage, mage, wizard, change catalyst, inventor, innovator, healer, shaman, priestess, and doctor to your own daimon inside. You can conjure change like a great showman or heal through harnessing nature’s forces like a hedgewitch. You have the capacity inside yourself to create whole new worlds and futures from your creative faculty and imagination. From Promethea’s immaterial indeed. You can travel with wonder and awe deep into the belly of the beast and whale, inside your own genius, your own star. Journey down to unfathomable depths. You have the power to change your own weather, to make it rain. You can transform the mundane, pedestrian, domestic and mediocre into spectacle and excitement. If you just shift your lens a little, you’ll be able to re-enchant your reality (on your unique personal microcosm of the macrocosm) and make the impossible become possible.

You are a signal to others, a flaming torch to light the way. You are a talisman of hope and omen of good change. You can rebuild your house as a temple and live out your soul’s fate on the stage. You may harness and yoke that unstoppable unquenchable inner force and natural will. You can revel in your imaginative gifts. You can create an epic fantastical life with which to transport yourself through with brilliant dazzling colour and whirling rushing surround-sound. You can resiliently magic-up a metamorphosis of meaning. You can magic yourself into a geography where dreams can come true. You can dwell well. You may take a luminous multi-dimensional trip of the imagination, beyond the veil, beyond illusion and duality. You can feel yourself pulled into a new gravity, a new orbit, magnetically attracted into new cosmic constellations.

Open your eyes to the stardust all around you, see the Elysium and touch the numinous. Go buy sweet fruits at the Goblin Market, who will buy? Barter there with angels, enrapture yourself in the feeling and fairytale of being alive. Foster these magic moments resiliently. Step into your own pleasure dome within which you can shake your very soul with dramatic zest and zeal. Cross the threshold dear spirit.

You are alive, so alive and animated. You live in a whole alive pulsating universe, a realm of possible. Your odyssey awaits, the boat is ready to sail. Dazzle now, sparkle and glow. You are a grail that twinkles like golden treasure at base of the Knucker Hole, guarded like a beating jewel of a heart, wrapped around by a coiled serpent dragon. Miracles and granted wishes await. The promise of fulfillment beckons like a siren call. Approach the crystal cave. Here, your soul may somersault with ecstasy, with the ecstasy of being alive in this human experience. You are magnificent. You are akin to a radiating sun, Helios shining brightly, Mithras burning with heat and fire, Bel’s beauty, Hecate’s torchlight. You are full of life and light. You are glorious. Enunciate this loudly, o’er the Keatsian Vale of Soulmaking, THIS is who you are. You are the magic. You.

You have a force inside, a nature. It calls you to embark upon this alchemical adventure, to journey through the dark night to beyond. The call is for integration, conjoining, coagulation, a melting of opposites into something new. Follow this, your magic soul. Hear its message and take its intuition and insight. Let it balance you. Let it nourish you. Let it help you synthesize polarities inside. This is your spiritual substance and you must examine yourself. The examined life, that is the mission. To Know Thyself and to thine own self (thine own nature) be True. As above, as below. Let all your archetypal figures – those playful colourful characters and avatars of your life – inside of you now dialogue with each other under the loving eyes of your watchful soul. Weave yourself into yourself, like magic thread in golden fabric.

You are star and planet, earth and beyond. You are a spiritual magical being of so much potential and purpose. You are a manifestation of the divine idea for itself. You are ensouled here, in this material plane and the whole world is the better for your indwelling, your presence. You are custodian of the habitat and ecosystem of you, your own magic geography, psychic geography.

You are like a bright precious jewel spiraling on a shiny double helix trip through the galaxies. You are form to an idea in the immaterial. You are myth and psyche. You grow down from roots that grow upwards into the celestial heavens. But you grow out and down from this tree, down to the earthly terra below, to reality. Fall down here, grow down, from the Gods and angels to human form. On this soil, this land, this home you are your own greatest work. A being-at-work and a Great Work in progress, and you are some piece of fabulous work! You are the fire of inspiration and illumination of thought and Logos itself. You are at once wild untamed nature unrestrained and also the Word of the homosapien. You are the interface between the two worlds. You are energy and reality. You are both seed that must be sewn and the swollen fruit produced of the tree. You are muse and mind. You are the depths of the midnight black-blue sea and the surface foamy waves. You are primal. You are Grace. You are both the cosmic egg and promethean grasp. You evolve, you transcend boundaries. You are middle pillar solid yet you also wax and wane like moon and tides. You are a cathedral and citadel of magnificent inner architecture and you are simultaneously simple builder in mud as well as stone. You are eternal. You are the one. You are The One. You are the One.

You are reason and logic. You are vision and freedom. Artist, poet, writer and star on a stage. You are vitality vibrating. You are your destiny. You are ecstasy. You are Living Soul. Your essence is beauty and truth. You must endeavor and discover the innermost you, hidden so warm and deep. You are like a child scattered through the frontiers of time and space. You are 100% particular to you and you are perfect. You are a spiritual point in the sky. You are language, numbers, symbols, writing and understanding. You are the whole great juicy alphabet of life. You are crown and also earthly root. You can re-order chaos. You are the will and the imagination. You are the intention of change. For good. You are Love. You shine brightly, star. You are intelligence, unclouded by sweating the small stuff.

Who are you? You are character and destiny divine. You are a natural being with a force within. You are hero, shadow and soul. You are fate. Wear no mask. You are unique. You are like no other. This is your terrain, your garden, your theatre to perform in. Master yourself with purpose and discipline. You are sorcerer supreme of your own soul. You are sovereign of your own self. You are content contained, and vessel containing. Every intention of yours is a magical act. You have a star-bound course to follow and navigate, You are infinite. You are not separate from the Universe or other, you are part of the whole gorgeous mix: a part not apart. You are magician of thought and radiator of peace. Your medicine for the world is harmony and love. Fulfill your heart's desire, mold your fortune and future. You are weird and strange and all the better for it. Be yourself. Be You. You can change the world.

A toast to YOU: To your vastness and might. To your darkness and your light.

Step onto your stage. Step into the light. The play’s about to begin. Play full out. Play for eternity. Play big. Everything you do, every word you say, every thought you have, every interaction you make - changes the whole of reality, the whole universe. Be magic. Play, like magic.


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