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Photo by Lukas Meier via Unsplash |
This week, I’ve been enjoying the website Italian Folk Magic by Mallorie Vaudoise. It’s such beautiful writing as is her book Honoring Your Ancestors. As darkness plagues the globe, we all need more magical things in our lives, more beauty and ritual, more goodness and nourishment for the soul, better spirit medicine, more veneration, remembrance of traditions and the old ways and more faith in happier human futures.
Pilgrimage of Magic
We too can be pilgrims of light, blessing the way. We are
stars. We are Eve. We are the way of the rose. With garlands in our hair and
healing in our hearts we can re-enchant our lives and perfume the Earth. With a
saint’s eye to watch over us (St. Michael’s day is next week), our active
prayer is a holy spell for a collective better tomorrow.
Like desert roses, with the right remedies we can bloom
again. Pearly skin and cherry lips, like dark divas we rise. Potent, seductive,
juicy – our own personal calling pulls us into it’s gravity and orbit. Hot,
delicious and honied delights of the heart and soul await us on this journey.
Like rich caramel toffee, our faith drips from our mouths
like sweet wine. Hope wraps itself around our shoulders like a warm cozy
blanket and mug of spiced cocoa. We can almost taste the grace on our tongues
as words of angels flutter on wings of sound behind our throats. We are wild
beauties riding and chasing stars. We are luminescent, moon beams radiant in
ink night sky.
Lift Up Your Head
I invite you, kings and queens of majestic light, to glow
and shine and radiate. I invite you to thrive in days ahead. LIFT YOUR HEAD UP
– up from your iPhone, up from your iPad, up from your device, your screen, from your feed. For Christ sake, look UP and lift your head
to the real world around you - one not in VR or AR, a real life un-augmented, uplift those jowls to defy gravity's aging solemnity. Lift your head so it is star-bound to high-thought heavens not downward to dumb dross in cyber cells. Lift your
head to feel the salty sea spray on your chin, feel the breeze ripple on your body, away from your computer.
Lift your head up to the cosmos for you are cosmic, not machine. Choose to look down only in reverence & prayer - bend, stoop, bow, prostrate yourself only to honor the Divine or thank the Earth.
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Photo by Isabella and Louisa Fischer via Unsplash |
You are luscious and deep. You can whip up a storm of action for change on this planet, in your life. You can melt hearts with your depth, like chocolate. You can be medicine to those who have need. With a golden healthy glow, you are the tonic the world needs to revitalize and regenerate. You offer wet quenching healing to rescue others from thirst-for-meaning, watering desert bone-dry shallow hearts. You are potent. You are change. So be it.
Sweet Medicine & Bounce
Bring your sweet medicine, your elixirs, herbs and spices,
your apply baskets of longevity fruits, bring your wares and your words of power to the markets of
men. Cook your pot of soul stew over the heat, doctor all ills. Minister and
conjure, even as darkness rages on outside the door, be a portal to peace and
purpose. Prosper, be the possible, shine a light in the dark, battle for the
side of the good.
Call on a higher power to help. You are called sister,
brother. Be daughters and sons of the light, of the real, of the analogue and the physical. Comfort the world, with your arms, hands and feet. With thumbs on paper & pen and finger nails dirty in the soil.
Like a black rose in a garden you may stand alone as a flower but you stand your ground. You weather the hardships, you toil in soil to grow. Your faith blooms, draw strength from your self. You are resilient. Resilience Magic gathers inside of you, deep in your core. It washes away all sorrows and empowers us to do impossible things. Resilience Magic inside of you helps you set the conditions for your own success, for your own transformation, for your survival and thriving. Dig deep. Bounce-back and bounce-forward, resiliently, like Tigger. Oh, the wonderful thing about Tiggers is Tiggers are wonderful things! Their tops are made out of rubber. Their bottoms are made out of springs! They're bouncy.
Craft Cozy from Chaos
Expect miracles. Never diminish or allow your flowering to
be diminished by others. You are the storm darling. You are the unstoppable
force. Wash your power over the world, be an ocean of healing. Craft cozy from chaos, hug hygge for healing comfort and conjure courage that restores purpose and practice.
God and Gods and Goddesses before you, restore soul to the
land. Ride the waves of the chaos, surf its foam and never sink under its tidal
pull of pandemic pain. Take the blows, take the damage, hold strong. This is an
astrological time of great flux and upheaval, a time of chaos, of COVID, a time of challenge, pandemic and unusual weirdness. But after the destruction Kali always brings new creation. The night can also herald the oncoming of the light of the new (normal?) dawn. Daily, you must clear-out that crazy, restore emotional spirit(s), and decolonize the soul from digital headspace invasive landgrabs.
Be a gorgeous jubilant phenomenal expression of love.
Unleash joy. Sow compassion in hard times. Fathom new depths and protect from
rocks like a lighthouse – bring home all the lost sailors and smashed-up ships
at sea. With all your soul, don’t let 2020 buffet you about in a digital tornado. Hold the fort with resilience. Buffy that buffet baby!
Thriving (not just Surviving) the New Normal
Be a shield and a sword. To all that which would harm you and
your kin, be a fierce wild thunder and crush negativity to dust in your wake. We are
on the brink dears, dear ones. We teeter and topple and lose balance. Yet we
must NOT fall, there will be NO collapse. Be strong. Be invincible. Be human and humane. Be fierce uplifting nourishment in very troubled times.
Look Up! Wake Up! Be the miracle. This too shall pass in a
blink of eternity’s eye. Be the gift. Carry the torch of hope and hold up and
out those palms – hold out your healing helping hands.
A Spell for Hope
Slay the dragon of doom darlings, jailbreak your inner beast-tamer and demon-slayer. The darkness be banished, the goodness blessed be. Every ordinary physical act is sacred. Rise strong and with grace, be free. Even in New Normal times of massive change, you will survive and you can still thrive. Let your soul be a haven of hope, a spell for self-help and joy to navigate this brave new world. Unconventional epochs need a badass response. A time of trauma invites a call for therapy, for self-care, safety, comfort, for sanctuary, for recovery and for positive living as means of flourishing through and out of crisis and into new resilient futures that serve all.
Say a prayer for the dead, the old ways, a requiem for what's gone. Remember it, never let lessons be forgotten, protect that living history. Remember who you were, who you are. Soar, with goddess wings. Failing that, at least a Tigger-bounce!
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Photo of Isis by Color Crescent via Unsplash |
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