Photo by Mary Louise V on Unsplash

"At every moment of our lives, we all have one foot in a fairy tale and the other in the abyss."

– Paulo Coelho

In a couple of weeks it’s All Hallows Eve, Samhain, Halloween, and Magic Day. A time – before All Souls and All Saints – that we get to celebrate Autumn passing to Winter. We can wrap ourselves up in a blanket of spells, tricks, and treats on this boo-liscious occasion for joy. We can let our magical souls go wild on candies, spiced apple, and jack-o-lanterns.

We can take our rosy ruddy cheeks to gather our harvest and ritually remember. With herbs and plants and beauty abound. With sensual scented aromatics, books, beads, blessings, bread and love we can practice and pray. Our kitchen table or bathtub is our cauldron and altar with which to positively improve our lives with luck nudging probability enhancement – we are the oddsmakers of probabilities.

We are pleasure, peace, and perfume. We wonder and wander and leave behind a radiant wake. Our offerings form an apothecary’s bounty. We are our own umwelt dwellings, a haven for renewal and self-care. We nourish, root and branch out, we keep the house magical. We are healing, hygge and enchanted badasses.

We light the way as we prepare our retreat into winter and begin rituals for the changing season ahead. Our love of the ancient ways is strong yet with a modern twist. Ours is a prayer amidst the pandemic. We are old soul sorceresses pulling our selves up by our blogger bootstraps. We look to comfort the whole world and offer sanctuary to all souls. We will stand in front of the storm for them, we will keep them safe in our cosy interiors whilst we go out into the elements to fight dragons in stormy Fall weather.

Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash

β€œYou go cuddle up by the fire with a warm hot chocolate and candlelit glow. Here my loves take some candied ginger, escape from the cold into the sweet magical realm. Me I’m off out into the ice, like Scott, I may be gone sometime.” – you might as well say

Get off this over-stimulated digital merry-go-round of 21st century living, go rest and recuperate in a little soft blanketed fleecy island of the real. Take respite.

You, I, we – we are warriors down to our bones, we are survivors. We’re healers. We sense the signals on the air like an ancient diviner, Delphic oracle, AI predictive algo, or strategic futurist. We power our hearts and minds and take the risks to struggle on. We are driven. With hot tomato soup in hand by the bonfire and woollen scarfs wrapped tight, like bright angels, we hunt for miracles.

We weep. But we never forget. We are fierce and mercy. We are wild yet have our own weeds to cut back as we tend the garden of our self. We are both thorn and rose, wand and sword, grit and gut, courage, and poetry. Take grace, cultivate depth, be of good soul and intelligence.

Love the mystery of it all, let the human condition seduce us with our journey through flesh and word. Ours is an interior treasure to seek. And as it’s almost Halloween, we can be fruitfully frightful as we spook ourselves to sleep.

Sweet dragon’s blood resin, claret red wine, rosehip, and pomegranate oils – let us uplift our hearts and charm our way into a new fresh year ahead. Let us bring our practical DIY everyday problem solving to an enchanted living philosophy. Let us remedy the world to self-help and self-heal. With customs, books, recipes, spells, folklore, rituals, and positive psychology tech we can live bold, vibrant, and vital lives.

This invitation is to really be a gift, the gift that these emergency times need. Be the kind of rescue magic your loved ones need. Rise, create – with soul, comfort, plant and garden, fall and get back up again and again, face the dark, do not fear lonely, flourish, transmute suffering alchemically into something golden and worthy, feast on deep magic and coach resilience wherever you can. Be of comfort. Cosy-down.

Uplift, delight, pamper, explore, enliven, refresh, be rich, feel ripe, be juicy and bouncy and adapt. A virus is trying to colonise bodies, a technical agenda is trying to colonise minds, a simulacra is trying to trick hearts – have none of it. Be above it all. Don’t feed the fear, take courage to face all the future scenarios then choose what you love and make it reality.

Steal your future back, rescue it, salvage soul. Let them hear you scream and barbaric yawp and howl under the moon – untamed and alive. Plunge into life’s electric current, a force to marvel. Reject disenchantment, find the numinous and the luminous, you are bliss. Ride it all out this Autumn.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Flow into a magical life away from tiredness, apathy, paralysis, depression, grief, and apathy. Chase the fairy-tale, shake yourself to it. Chase joy and comfort claim it and unleash that pent-up power. Re-emerge. Extinguish the old, the dead, what is no longer serving you – let that shit go. Adapt, survive, thrive.

With stormy savage grace, admit aloud – I can change. Then with ruthless compassion, allow yourself to transform anew.

Go from mess to miracle. Climb out the abyss. Fall into the fairy-tale of your life. For β€˜tis soon the season. Wishing you in advance dear Cinderellas - for you shall go to the Ball - a very Happy Halloween! See you in November, until then button-up, snuggle-in, hunker-down and recharge anew, sleeping beauty. 

β€œGod rests in reason and moves in passion”

 β€“ Khahil Gabrin


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