Holy Moley! What a Garden of Delights!

With oils of Spikenard and Angelica, resins of Frankincense and Myrrh – I create a peaceful home. I hold the intention of success, better business, courage, good clear spirit and holy ways. I work my resilience and faith magic.

With Three Kings incense smoke to uplift me, Apple Blossom oil to soothe and sweeten, Bitter Herbs to cleanse, Fast Luck oil to wash over me and Love to draw-in near, many blessings bloom.

In my garden of soul there is Bayberry wafting through candles to fill the air. Rue, Florida water, Chinese Floorwash – it’s all here. Dragon’s Blood incense sticks, Shi Shi oil and prayers to St. Jude. All my botanical allies in hand. King Solomon oil, Has No Hanna, La Madama, Jupiter, Lady Luck, St. Expedite, Van Van, High John The Conqueror, Blockbuster, St. Joseph, St. Michael and Martha The Dominator oils too. Sandalwood smoke, novenas and prayer cards, St. Raphael candle and healing herbs – the devotions coalesce around candle-light and flame.

Ancestors and Angels. Animism and Astrology. Asclepius to Hermanubis. Venus to Hekate. Abremelin to the Holy Trinity and Our Lady. All are welcome at the table.

I Open The Road and Nature magic works her mystical mysterious spell. Protection, blessing, healing and happiness abound. Uplifting, sunshine rays, good luck, peace, attraction and abundance be here now. Cleansing, resurrecting the Spirit.

Nature Magic

Photo by Cristina Gottardi via Unsplash

Wands of wisdom, faith and light. Rays of resilient hope under Sol Invictus’ unquenchable sun. Ritual baths, Psalm 23, Orphic Hymns to Hermes, moonlight, planetary hours, magical timing, sigils and astrological self care abound. We flourish and thrive. We are protected, healthy and nourished.

Lady Liberty, Fortuna, Juno, Queen of Heaven, Stella Maris and Artemis – dear Hermanubis bring in a seat and wine for the Gods. Aham Prema, Iovis Maximus Ho! With these words, I Isis the Wise, grow my garden, my Eden. John over John. Hekas Hekas. Hodie. Gyrum Carpo. Descendant Columba. IAO. Bless me indeed Lord and enlarge my coast. Forgive those who trespass. Come heal with me.

Let’s spiritual soul dive. Find your comfort magic here weary traveller, uplift your spirit. I send you blessings in a blog, love and a helping hand to lift thy head. Here is the light to cancel out the dark times. Here is the Divine Love. A sacred salve, a holy place, a sanctuary. I choose a magical and spiritual life. I choose to shine. My soul magnifies the Lord, Adonai. I have resilient roots.

With this Camphor, Glory Water, St. Michael soap, Abre Camino candle, Clearance spray, Sage, Sweet Herb bath, Money incense, Patchouli oil, Jinx Remover, Sea Queen Yemaya oil, Saint Expedite incense, Bayberry candle, Psalms book and Good Luck candle – watch over me. At this altar of life, with prayers of hope, with positive joy, loving kindness, light and wonder – I lift up my head to the Divine. In these uncertain times, we all need our own healing resilience magic and spirituality to remain steady and true. We are each our own Angel of Abundance, our St. Michael with flaming sword in the battle going on in heaven, our own brave St. Barbara and our own St. Jude of lost causes and miracles.

Peace and Blessings. Come garden with me in this Paradise. 

Photo by Cat Crawford via Unsplash



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