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Lessons In Karma

As we’ve just passed Thanksgiving, what were we grateful for? What is abundant in our lives? How will you show thanks? I am grateful for my journey into healing especially during the last 18 months to 2 years. I am grateful for my healing and my curiosity into investigating it.

How is your own personal healing?

I am trying to give out more positivity, a more optimistic outlook, so that I may raise my vibration and energy field. I’m not sure if my happy vibes send out waves into the ether, into the cosmic skies or Akashic record of the universe – but it’s worth a shot, yes?

What helps me maintain this emotional state is a mix of happy things for healing: herby things (plants, medicinal, essential oils, roots and herbs), astrological studies (mostly now in the Vedic sidereal direction), practising positive psychologies and I’ve recently gone back to hot yoga practising the 26 asanas and 2 breathing postures from the Hatha Bikram series for up to 1hr most days.

So now I’ve found my groove, my formula to be happy for the year ahead:

H. erbalism


P.ositive Psychology



In the last 18 months to 2 years, I practiced learning a lot of herbalism – mostly in the western European magical traditions of botanicals as well as a comprehensive study in Hoodoo conjure herbalism and the application of rootwork. As 2021 closes, I find myself drawn to the Indian herbal science of Ayurveda.

Infact, I feel attracted to all the Vedic sciences Yoga, Astrology, Ayurveda

After a term with the London School of Astrology in the tropical zodiac system, which is fantastic, I’m curious to explore less of the humanist/secular/psychological side of astrology (western model) and instead take a fork in the road to learn more about and deep dive into the sidereal model – particularly the Indian system. I am currently self-studying Jyotish astrology (via all the books from Joni Patry and Sam Geppi), which in Sanskrit means Inner Light. This is the Vedic astrology, or as India call it, just astrology. Vedic astrology is linked to Karma. So here again I am playing in the cosmic soup bowl of fate vs. free will.

Psychic reader Edgar Cayce believed that the sidereal zodiac was more accurate than the tropical. His reading stated: “Though oft they are correct, more often ye find them at variance. For most astrologers are nearly 30 degrees off in the reckoning in the present.”

The LSA teachings with incredible Frank Clifford (and the amazing ongoing weekly lessons from Steve Judd) has stood me in good stead for a strong foundation in the basics: the elements, the planets, the houses, and the signs etc. And now I feel ready to take a pause on that to explore what Vedic has to offer with the nakshatras, karma and dharma, deities and more. For me the spiritual element is strong here, the faith and the concept of a divine being a god. The Vedic system fully believes that the planets are gods – not just psychological archetypes, Gods-as-metaphor western model, but actual gods.

I enjoyed getting here (from western to Vedic) via the slipstream hyper route of a connected distant cousin in both family trees: Babylonian ancient astrology and western sidereal. The Babylonian system and much of the Renaissance system imparts teachings of the great books of magic and Hermes Trismegistus as well as the old Arab texts, clay tablets from Mesopotamia and the scholastic work by magicians of the near east. But that magic has none of the warmth for me of the faith and higher power devotion of the Indian spiritual system.

So, I am embracing my Jupiter in 5th House, my 9th House matters, my Sagittarian leanings and soul.

Yoga too has popped up for me at the same time. I’ve put spinning on hold and have re embraced sweating on the mat. I am so rusty, but I am beginning again with a positive mindset. Lock the knee, lock the knee, lock the knee. Yoga is my active meditation on the mat and allows me also a place for quite praise, reflection, mantra, and prayer. I pray to the divine mother and the universe, to the higher power within and without. I stay resilient, because life is magic.

As above so below. Astrology and Yoga are both not just “out there”, they are inside me.

In my Jupiter return, in my fifth house, in aquarius, perhaps this is my Karma.

“In Jupiter we find one having a great influence upon the lives, the experiences of others – by choices made by the entity.” – Edgar Cayce, reading 2834-1

So I change, again. I course correct. I become. The I Ching teaches us that change is the only reality, that we are continually becoming. Around us are all manner of higher forces: Gods and Goddess, archetypes, planets, and karma. My soul speaks and becomes.

“Astrology deals with symbols, and the soul speaks and thinks in symbol” - Isabel Hickey

In 2005, depth psychologist James Hillman spoke to a group of astrologers at what was then Bath Spa and is now The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (where the students study this MA). Hillman said that “because astrology is archetypal, it is compellingly powerful and therefore dangerous.”

Perhaps there are indeed dangers. Those seekers who went to the oracle of Delphi were told to “Know Thyself.” So, astrology is a language, a religion, it has soul and real magic. To me, like yoga, it is a Promethean gift of fire. Let the flames of learning burn and the light illuminate from a spark of secret divine knowledge.

But a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. During this period from Dec 5th (after the new moon and solar eclipse) until Jan 16th many Vedic astrologers recommend it is a time to lie low as Mars is in Scorpio. In addition to the solar eclipse in Scorpio, Mars also transits Ketu in Scorpio throughout December and January. That's why I want to study, to learn more and understand what transits and sky weather like this really means. It is during the tough times and tough transits that we are invited to grow and transform. Every time we are served the problem (I have this with Rahu) as we go through the pain, we are also served the solution at the same time. This is the yoga, the lesson, the discipline. The divine hand.

“There is magic to astrology…not through any technique, spell, chant, or Full Moon ritual, but through an authentic participation in and sensitivity to its symbols. Astrological magic…works through us when we engage, honour, and participate with its symbols.” – Brian Clark

Magic - it's all magic in the end. 

I’ve spent so long dabbling in psychology and occult sciences, lots of 8th house moon ritual and karma, it’s time to move towards the dharma Rahu is inviting me towards. To lean into healing, nutrition, and edible medicines, into more focused writing, gardening, and ancient healing systems that root me and ground me on the earth. To embrace good plants, foods, yoga practice, astrology, prayer, herbal tonics, positive thinking and self-talk, active meditation, hands-on work (in my case writing), beautifying a home, securing land, sharing love, giving, and receiving prayer – with a renewed sense of purpose, high integrity, and holistic alignment. I hope Jyotish helps me get there, learning from teachers like Sam Geppi, Joni Patry, Komilla Sutton, Vedic Living and David Frawley. Here's a selection below:

I’m trying to live life at lot more based on some of the key principles of yoga: exercise (asana), meditation, breathwork (pranayama) and nutrition. A new kind of resilience magic medicine.

This means embracing these ancient wisdom techniques of Vedic Astrology, Ayurveda, and Hatha Yoga. That’s my positive magic, my Light.

These traditional arts and sciences (though thousands of years old) still suit our modern world. They give healing and soul medicine in these difficult times.

So here I find myself again leaning into the intersection of east meets west, of mysticism and psychology and spirituality. Jyotish - the astrology of India – from the Vedas has a huge focus on karma and how the planets imprint on our soul, like being given a map at birth. This sidereal zodiac  system, based on the actual astronomical night sky and fixed stars, has an emphasis on the moon rather than the sun sign, as well as the ascendant. As I delve, I understand there are hidden texts and sacred geometries to uncover. I’m going to learn about the Nakshatras, lunar mansions, predictions, and forecasting, dasha cycles, natal charts, planetary rulers, fixed stars, the ancient mythology of India and its Gods, holistic medicines for wellbeing, mantra, breathwork and going deeper in my yogic practice,

Just like Hoodoo, there are roots here too. Folk medicine enthralls me again but this tie it is different herbs, massage oils, recipes, cooking supplies, bathroom remedies and natural beauty practices.

Now I’m focused on Ayurveda, Astrology and Yoga. And also, Neuroscience and Quantum Physics - much of which is explored in Sam Geppi’s astrological teachings. How for example the monkey mind and the Reticular Activating System can be worked with from a Karmic astrological perspective.

Taming the inner primate? That’s Karma. The principle reminds me of Robert Anton Wilson’s cartoons in Prometheus Rising again. RAS, lenses, bias – these are all reminiscent of my NLP study and Landmark advancedcourse days. Full circle. I guess what goes around comes around right.

Lessons in Karma indeed. Time catches up with destined lives. Tick Tock, tiktok.

 “Unalterable past and its probable future results.” - Paramhansa Yogananda


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