Photo by Madison Lavern via Unsplash


Everything happens for a divine reason, there are no accidents in the Universe. Yes, much is pre-set by a cosmic hand, but we all have some free will wiggle room to play the cards dealt. In every time when it feels like hope is gone and darkness has descended upon the earth, we can still CHOOSE to lean into a more joyful happier higher positive future. This is the lesson that heals. And as the year wraps up, healing is here.

It is hard. Hard to dig down deep within and find our inner calm – it is difficult to remain at peace. Yet we can set an intention towards this goal. We can shoot our arrows at the bullseye of a higher goal. We can choose love over fear, and we can choose to find a way through the thick fog.

Astrology works. One way through. It is mathematical and logic. It is a divine system. Astrology helps my faith in a bigger plan. It supports my positive outlook, better thinking and making a difference. It helps me look to the future, make new choices, and bring about CHANGE. I use it and apply it, to make plans, create vision boards, set intentions, and achieve dreams. It is both science and magic, a healing art and full psychology, as well as a traditional ancient wisdom.

Astrology can help us manifest our magic, increase our good vibes, feel positive emotions, practice healing, and speak unconditional love. It is energy. It feels helpful and hopeful. And hope as this blog often stresses, is EVERYTHING.

Hope is healing, medicine, remedy. Hope in tough times brings light. Hope gives strength to endure and transform. Hope overcomes fear and helps co-create a better outcome and positive future.

Therefore, I choose Astrology and particularly, Vedic Astrology (also called Hindu, Indian or Jyotish).

I am studying with Joni Patry and learning from her amazing students like Shreekala Ram.

Eastern Astrology for Western Minds by Joni Patry 

This last quarter I have been devoting about four hours (half a day a week) to Astrology studies and for January onwards through the next 12-24 months that is focused singularly on Vedic Astrology. I had a great reading with the lovely astrologer in India, Jayshree Dhamani. Here is one of her videos below:

I am also spending about another hour a week reading recipes and practicing Ayurvedic Nutrition for my body. In urgent times, I needed an urgent response for my mind, body, and soul. I found this in the three Vedic sciences, tweaked for my more contemporary experience in the crazy corona-times. I'm enjoying books like this one on the Vedic Sciences. This one is about finding your dharma:

Discover Your Dharma by Sahara Rose

Ayurveda appeals as it builds on years of work, I dedicated to Raw Nutrition, Bulletproof and Juicing. I used to coach detox here in Singapore, with a raw focus and am happy to get back into more Yogic practices and foods. Currently I am reading: Sahara Rose, Amadea Morningstar, Laura Plumb, Susan Weis-Bohlen, Dr. David Frawley, Urmila Desai, and Dr. Vasant Lad.

Ayurveda, The Science of Self-Healing by Dr. Vasant Lad

I am greatly enjoying (particularly in the gear up to Christmas so usually crammed with excess and overdoing it) exploring old friends again such as: Sesame Oil (body brushing, oil pulling for mouth), Coconut Oil-rich drinks, Neem (for my hair), Ashwagandha, Ginger and Turmeric in my teas (Vadham teas are amazing), Ghee and other healing warm drinks with golden mylks, honey, spicy Chai black tea, Dates and Figs, herbal recipes, slow cooking, salt scrubs, easy whole foods, grains and rice etc. This is Kitchen Medicine – nourishing, healing a tonic for self-care. I feed more grounded, rooted. Doing my Taurus Moon earthy Venusian things and activating my 8th house.

Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing by Usha Lad and Dr. Vasant Lad

I am helping my gut, balancing out acid and alkaline, having a better veg to non-veg ratio, boosting my immunity, embracing more holistic offerings and grandmother’s remedies and pandemic-beating nutritional superfoods, treating ailments, and boosting healing.

Not just diet and nutrition too, but Hot Yoga for the body. My yoga body is back. I have been practicing about 30 mins every day when I can and some days ofcourse work comes up, excuses come up and I miss it. But mostly I am enjoying practising (at home) the Bikram Hatha Yoga sequence (26 +2) again regularly. Backbending through these challenging times, all before 9am. I have become more dedicated and focused on increasing the frequency and precision of my practice (and intensity too – as Emmie Cleaves would say) and heat. There are a zillion good Yoga videos on You Tube like those from Maggie Grove, but I am trying a paid sub with PURE YOGA TV (not the Singapore one but an outfit in Texas) to workout on a fixed schedule discipline (Capricorn Sun, Venus in Capricorn) of four hours a week over: a 90 min full Bikram class at the weekend, a 60 min shorter faster set midweek and top and tail start and end of week with 45 min sessions of Yoga HIT fusion & Inferno Hit Pilates. Operation 'hot belly diet' here we come 😊 - here is a great hot 26 from Pure Yoga Texas:

Should you be interested in this Hot 26+2 sequence I recommend this book, 'HellBent: Obsession, Pain and the Search for Something Like Transcendence' by Benjamin Lorr. Despite all the bad Bikram shadows (the man) there is true healing here (the message).

I have come all the way back here again, to this place. Must be Karma. Here we all are infact experiencing Karma. But also, freewill too, navigating beyond a forest of Maya, reading the astrological weather, moving towards knowledge and truth.

Predeterminism and presence. These are the containers of life. Both are limits and choices. You are bountiful, beautiful and bliss. You are cosmic, stellar, divine, boundless, infinite, blessed and pure potentiality. You are vital, necessary, a vibrating being dancing through lifetimes. You are radiance, harmony, and resonance. In this exceedingly difficult point in the Kali Yuga of our reincarnation, of this moment in the timeline, fate and destiny are playing a high stakes poker game – but we can still all cultivate values of fortitude and resilience. Whatever the outcome, we can play our Magic.

It is how we choose – as Gordon White oft says – to respond to the Crisis. And it is Where we do it. My taps, my purification, my breathe of fire to yoke to the divine – is in the Vedic Science, the magic of astrology, yoga, plant medicine, bathroom magic and herbal foods in natural. These are my healing paths of light. These are sacred fated times. It is time to unleash our natural magic from within to without, as above so below. It is time to be vast, to glow brightly, to realise we are unlimited beings trapped intime. We are invincible.

I will root down with grit. I will reinvigorate my strained nervous system and amp back up those low volts. Omicron-time is the right time to reset and restore anew, from inside out. Pituitary, pineal, psyche, hypothalamus, adrenals, endocrine, lymph, blood, neurology etc – all systems have been stressed out during this last two years of madness. It is time to selfheal and self-care. Time for subtle bodies, spinal care, third eye activation, better brain chemistry, quantum healing modalities, de-aging, more headspace, and metabolic transformation. Time for a new backbend out, bend into a higher frequency.

It feels primal, solid, framed, strong, reliable. The lights are back on. Discipline brings freedom. Improvement lies just at the edge of my comfort zone. I am grateful, detached, accepting. I let go. I am getting stronger every day. I am yoked. I give my attention fully. I feel healthy, good, whole. I heal my Rahu in my 2nd House in Scorpio condition. I lean into physical vitality. I reap what I sow. KARMA.

We all suffer. We all learn from suffering. We all learn lessons the hard way = Karma. That is the law.

So here we are at the end of this blog piece and end of the year. So, we start to wrap up 2022, moving into the holidays with festive cheer despite covid-times but tell me, how do you feel? Do you feel vital? Do you practice self-healing? Do you shine your personal natural magic every day? Do you boost your immunity and resilience? What is your medicine? What will you harness, yoke? Who or what will you aim your Artemis archer’s bow at in 2022? What goal will you shoot your Hawkeye trick arrow at in a hunger game for humanity’s soul? Just like Gravity, the law of Karma will deliver. Backbend out of it to appreciate it's pull, convexity as Nassim Nicholas Taleb would say. Life is a boomerang, keeps coming back to us. Catch it fast!

Heal this Holiday - with Herb Magic, Astrology studies, staying Positive of mind and practice Yoga. Be HAPPY.

Happy Holidays everyone. Merry Christmas in advance. Stay safe as the last Uranus square of the year approaches on Christmas Eve and a mad transit hit on New Year’s Eve. See you in January. Stay happy, stay healthy, be healed.


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