The Life Impossible

Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

In a world today turned upside down, we need to remember what is possible. Life is a baffling, marvellous, scary, and surreal adventure. The crisis challenges us to construct something new. It challenges us to transform our visions of imagination and bring them into reality – we must materialise our mental constructions in real life. Like carefully sculpting a new beauty and truth in our lives, a seemingly impossible project now has the opportunity to be dreamt to life. By pushing ourselves, by leaning into astonishing magical ingenious ideas, things that no one has thought of before, we breathe into being a new mythic life for living. We need the most miraculous ideas ever conceived; the most amazing changes ever built. Our mission is to conjure up the extraordinary, to inspire awe and to turn other heads towards the light of hope. We must be magnificent; we must hypnotise others with the glow of the possible and nudge forward all the probables. We are a signal to all, and we must remember our greatness and do impossible things.

Living out our own legend, gigantic, towering, dreamlike and marvelous – we can enroll others with our mesmerizing fairy-tale like optimism. We can create new stories and re-write not histories, but futures. It is a call to adventure to enchant others, to dare to leap a chasm, to defy the depressive abyss. Beyond our fertile imaginations, lies our own personal magic. Like a fantastical creature it is alive, beautiful, majestic, breathtaking and full of vitality – a progeny of our own inner science and art, our magic is our true treasure. Our magic brings our own centre of attention into focus. With this awareness and discipline and practice and fueled by our own often eccentric-yet-exquisite behaviours and beliefs, we stand at the gate of change. Like dignified protectors against evil and harm, we can elegantly take our stand. For within each of us lies the astonishing, the incredible, the wonderful, the marvelous, the impossible, the spectacular, the mythic and the legendary. We are symbols to others to follow suit, if only they too would play in the playground of the gods, this paradise we call home and Earth. Life to come must be heavenly rather than current hells. We must build new architecture of the soul and restore the world soul, regenerate nature. We must push ourselves on in this battle of headspace and cognitive sovereignty. Make it all possible, no matter how improbable.

We must create a miracle. We must magic it up. We must make it happen

Medea. Image credit: Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash

But, how?

Fire from ice.

We must make fire from ice. An old idea – that I saw long ago on Rune Soup – newly remembered. There are many ways. For example: through hot yoga, or chaos magic, or Jungian individuation of the archetypal self, or the Kabbalah tree of life, herbalism, astrology, reading and creative writing etc.

In my hot yoga for example, without a room heater, I generate my own inner heat and sweat. This burn feels purifying and produces changes in my body – and mind. Like magic, the practice of this discipline brings freedom. The focus keeps me connected, alive. And without going to a studio I can still generate my own transformative heat from a cool newly woken body. Fire from ice. A coiled sleep kundalini serpent is warmed to awakening and rises from spine to crown.

So, I think to myself, where else in my life, in my little microcosm where I have power, where else can I create fire from ice? To inflame the soul becomes my goal – soul of Self, soul of City, soul of All. To rekindle, to thaw the frozen and heat it up. To rise aglow, alight, out of the depths of the cold seas.

The ice, molded into form under the pressure, reacting with the natural law of the sun, can create a spark, that can ignite into an inferno if one surrenders to it. After pummeling the concentrated matter into shape and applying a radiant element there is an alchemical reaction. We smolder, we lick the flames, we can burn past to cinders and arise like beautiful phoenixes from ashes, reborn. Like dragons we can breathe fire from our body temple, from the frozen wasteland we are transformed anew to walk through the flames, to sizzle, to blast new futures. With a rawness and brutal self-reflection, we can yoke the infinite. Children of Fire are then forged. What matters most is how well you walk through fire. And what matters even more is have the ability, harnessing your everyday ordinary magic, to bounce forward resiliently, resourcefully, making impossible things not only possible but more and more probable. Live a mythic soulful life. Live dialectically, be impossible, turn your world upside-down, live inside-out, read books, do yoga, write, be magic, be resilient, be a gift to the world and make fire from ice.

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

“How do you know your life wouldn't be better turned upside down?” - The Gift



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