Photo by Jeb Buchman via Unsplash


So here we are after the Scorpio new moon and Sun oppose Uranus. Venus is now in Capricorn. Mercury already squared Pluto last Tuesday and this morning is now in Scorpio too, whilst the moon shifts to Sag. And thank god for the lovely aspect coming up of Mercury sextile Venus. My friend is dropping round to drop off some flowers this morning. She’s started a littleside business locally here in Singapore. You couldn’t ask for a lovelier aspect than Mercury sextile Venus to launch a Instagram commerce venture, door-drop delivering fresh cut pretty scented flowers to beautiful home interiors πŸŒΈ

Just another cosmic indicator (as if we needed one) that even though November threatens challenge, if we change our lens on things, we can see the alternate view that it can bring great opportunity too. The hard work of responsible Saturn now pays off and we are invited to avoid procrastination, lethargy, and pessimism and to lean into strong work, determination, ethics, and Mars energies. Goals can be pursued with the red planet’s energy, passions harness, Uranian weirdness channelled into electric currents to jolt-start change in the system. Mercury’s direct communications are well negotiated, and commerce prospects are good, the Sun β˜€οΈbrings confidence and enthusiasm. We can choose to move towards a better life with a little Jupiter luck and joy. New horizons beckon us, we can choose fortune and favour. With a bit more patience and perseverance laced with a dose of pure focused concentration and arrow-like aim, we can hit those practical targets. Take the initiative to let go and flow, into the slipstream of life.

I hope that little reading of the sky helps you. I'm learning - I've a long long way to go!

This week I’ve been catching up on my LSA studies with some brilliant tutoring by Frank Clifford and studying Sue Tompkin’s book The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbook – along with listening to Steve Judd’s beginners’ course (we’re at Virgo). I’ve been listening to an old Astrology Podcast on the Picatrix, a lovely Astrology Hub forecast with Anne Ortelee, re-listening to the wonderful Penny Thornton, Rick Levine, CHANI, the new Gordon White podcast and getting through more chapters of David Brooks’ The Second Mountain. But mostly, I'm sticking with Steve and Frank - common sense stuff you just can't go wrong with and lovely coaching style. 

I’ve also been revisiting a lot of positive psychology work. There is lots of stuff out there, especially on You Tube, of doom and gloom. Some astrologers especially are quite apocalyptic, especially some of the more Hermetic, Vedic and Sidereal inspired. Even crypto forecasters shock. I sometimes do go there to the darkness (perhaps in my more red pill moments), I do. But this week I prefer the more happy human path and to stay positive, glass half full, up in the light and the hope of β€œwhat if” not the fatalism of β€œit’s all shit”.

Chris Johnstone’s resilience work is particularly effective here. He has a method I’ve talked about many times before called Storyboarding, it’s like a mini–Hero’s Journey / 3 Act narrative condensed down into two parts: 1) There’s what happens/happened and 2) Then there’s what happens next

The β€˜what happens next’ is the upslope response, the climb out of Bane’s pit. This gives me hope.

Hermeticism is the way of gnosis, the spiritual path of discovery. But lately I’ve been feeling a lot less in touch with magical wizard Mercury and far more in love with beneficent Jupiter. Jove’s joy and brightness, his gift of expansion, belief, deep broad study, travel, and success. I’ve tried connected before through Jason Miller inspired Jupiter rituals. I will try again to field a little good fortune this way, always in the light and the positive. This form of esotericism of light astrological and planetary magic (in the western European tradition) helps psychologically with it’s positive reframing and deep meaning. Jupiter helps my healing. As astrologer Sam Reynolds says, feeling Jupiter, channelling that archetype, means being β€œprepared to meet the opportunity”. So, I am holding out my hands ready Jove.

Psalm 121.7 reminds us that β€œthe Lord will keep you from all harm, he will watch over your life”. Amen to that belief. In a world of crossroads and revolutions, Uranian high weirdness, COVID, eclipses, squares and electric change, war mongering and monetary disruptions, shifts in food security and a reshuffle of post Breton Woods power bases…under China’s rise and the USA’s demise or at least intense Pluto return approaching - with all this as backdrop it might be hard to stay upbeat.

But I will run down joy and chase it like a mother. Like the books say, find your power, get a self-help strategy and stick to it, be authentic in your happiness, keep your psychology happy, get a little Leo sun and roar baby - and as Michael Lutin reminds us with his sun signs class tome, make sure in your head that the sun always SHINES!

β€˜Find Your Power: Boost Your Inner Strengths, Break Through Blocks and Achieve Inspired Action’ by Chris Johnstone.

β€˜Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realise Your Potential’ by Martin  Seligman.

'The Little Book of Happiness: Simple Practices for a Good Life’ by Miriam Akhtar.

β€˜SunShines: The Astrology of Being Happy’ by Michael Lutin.

β€˜Positive Psychology: Self-help Strategies for Happiness, Inner Strength and Well-being’ by Miriam Akhtar

This is my third blog piece in my new weekly (every weekend) series called H.A.PP.Y. For 52 weeks I'll be writing and exploring under the one over arching theme of finding Healing through Astrology and Positive Psychology for a Year. Until next time! 😍😍


  1. Jupiter magic is fantastic, will completely change your life in positive ways and its been the dominant form of my practice for the last decade. I work ''blue magic''. I often visualise the ''energy'' as the genie from Aladdin, ''you ain't never had a friend like me'' ;-) Jason Miller is an expert in this area and you cannot go wrong with his books or his guidance as a teacher - great for detail & specificity.

    Your problem isn't with Hermes necessarily your problem is with Hermes' own ''problem'' with Chronos (Saturn). Hermes has dark forms/moods when obsessed by Chronos: the hardboiled cynical detective tracking the zodiac killer or a bezerk replicant; the grief mania that drives Herbert West - the mystery of medicine, a central pursuit of his is bound up with time and death which Saturn rules. Look at Rick and Morty!

    But Jupiter has a quick fix if you can move beyond the flesh (transcend time) - *lightning* i.e. eternal time beats linear time!

    1. Thankyou for sharing the Orphic Hymn that's made my morning. I am intrigued by the Aladdin Genie "friend like me" and will check it out. I did indeed feel all the mercurial stuff was bit dark. I have Saturn part of Fortune. Funny you mention detective work, focus on time - very relatable to me. You have fantastic sharp intuition and instinct here Blogos. I will dabble, stay on the rational side (which soothes me) but definitely explore the big J. 'Blue'-magic pill lol. I hope you are well and all is good with you? Sorry I've been a bit quiet. I really appreciate your tips and am grateful - Sara


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